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Who Is A Candidate For Braces?
El Paso, TX

Woman getting her braces checked by the dentist at Gross Orthodontics in El Paso, TXBraces work for people who have crooked teeth and want a more natural smile. This allows them to choose from ceramic braces, lingual system braces, self-ligating braces, and clear aligners for their procedure.

At Gross Orthodontics, Dr. Amanda Gross can help you map out a journey and choose the right materials for your smile. All you need is a consultation with us!

How Do Braces Work?

Braces are dental appliances used to straighten crooked teeth and bring them back into a natural position. They can fix structural problems in the jaw, an underbite, overbite, or simply an unnatural smile.

Braces work through metallic, ceramic, or clear appliances attached to the teeth through orthodontic adhesives. The most important components are the brackets that are added to the teeth first. Then, metal wires are passed through slots in the brackets and tightened over time to get the ideal results.

Types of Braces

If you are thinking of getting braces, you might be wondering which type to get. You can benefit from braces if you have crooked teeth or problems with your jaw. Depending on your specific requirements, dentists can recommend the ideal procedures.

In the worst case, tooth removal might be required, especially if there is overcrowding of teeth. For the procedure, choosing materials that provide you the most comfort is important. These include:
•  Ceramic braces
•  Lingual system braces
•  Self-ligating braces
•  Clear aligners

Which Type to Choose?

With the many different braces today, you might be confused about which type you should choose for your teeth. The material depends on your specific preferences. Here are some benefits of the different kinds of braces.

Traditional Braces

These are the traditional metallic kind and the most affordable. In fact, most people opt for these if they have a lower budget. They are also a lot more effective and faster. However, some clients might not like them as they are uncomfortable and can irritate the gums.

Ceramic Braces

These braces are often opted for by clients who want the benefits of traditional braces but don’t want them to be that apparent. Since ceramic braces are made from a color that resembles natural teeth, they aren’t as visible.

Self-Ligating Braces

Self-ligating braces have incorporated developments in dental technology to replace bands with a clip system. This holds the wire in place without requiring bands that can snap and must be replaced more often.

Lingual System Braces

These braces have only recently been introduced to the market and require a lot of patience. Since they are fitted to the back of the teeth, you may experience some speech problems if you opt for them.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners get you all the benefits of ceramic braces without needing regular appointments. Since they can be replaced at home and are removable, they are much more comfortable for patients. However, they can be more expensive.

Get Your Braces Today

At Gross Orthodontics, we guide our patients toward the best procedure for their oral anatomy. Call 915-615-6767 for our West side office and 915-751-7779 for an appointment with our specialists and get one step closer to your dream smile today!
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Gross Orthodontics, 5665 Woodrow Bean, Suite 200, El Paso, TX 79924 + 915-751-7779 + + 9/1/2024 + Related Phrases: orthodontist El Paso TX +